types module#

class Pexels.types.Collection(id: str, title: str, description: str, private: bool, media_count: int, photos_count: int, videos_count: int, **kwargs)#

Bases: PexelsType

description: str#

The description of the collection.

id: str#

The id of the collection.

media_count: int#

The total number of media included in this collection.

photos_count: int#

The total number of photos included in this collection.

private: bool#

Whether or not the collection is marked as private.

title: str#

The name of the collection.

videos_count: int#

The total number of videos included in this collection.

class Pexels.types.CollectionMediaResponse(id: str, media: List[Union[Photo, Video]], page: int, per_page: int, total_results: int, prev_page: Optional[str] = '', next_page: Optional[str] = '', **kwargs)#

Bases: PexelsType

id: str#

The id of the collection you are requesting.

media: List[Union[Photo, Video]]#

A list of media objects. Each object has an extra type attribute to indicate the type of object.

next_page: Optional[str]#

URL for the next page of results, if applicable.

page: int#

The current page number.

per_page: int#

The number of results returned with each page.

prev_page: Optional[str]#

URL for the previous page of results, if applicable.

total_results: int#

The total number of results for the request.

class Pexels.types.CollectionResponse(collections: List[Collection], page: int, per_page: int, total_results: int, prev_page: Optional[str] = '', next_page: Optional[str] = '', **kwargs)#

Bases: PexelsType

collections: List[Collection]#

A list of collection objects.

next_page: Optional[str]#

URL for the next page of results, if applicable.

page: int#

The current page number.

per_page: int#

The number of results returned with each page.

prev_page: Optional[str]#

URL for the previous page of results, if applicable

total_results: int#

The total number of results for the request.

class Pexels.types.PexelsType#

Bases: object

Base class for all pexels objects

class Pexels.types.Photo(id: int, width: int, height: int, url: str, photographer: str, photographer_url: str, photographer_id: int, avg_color: str, src: Src, alt: str, type: str = 'Photo', **kwargs)#

Bases: PexelsType

alt: str#

Text description of the photo for use in the alt attribute.

avg_color: str#

The average color of the photo. Useful for a placeholder while the image loads

height: int#

The real height of the photo in pixels.

id: int#

The id of the photo.

photographer: str#

The name of the photographer who took the photo.

photographer_id: str#

The id of the photographer.

photographer_url: str#

The URL of the photographer’s Pexels profile.

src: Src#

An assortment of different image sizes that can be used to display this Photo.

type: str#

The type of media to be shown in collections.

url: str#

The Pexels URL where the photo is located.

width: int#

The real width of the photo in pixels.

class Pexels.types.PhotoResponse(photos: List[Photo], page: int, per_page: int, total_results: int, prev_page: str = '', next_page: str = '', **kwargs)#

Bases: PexelsType


URL for the next page of results, if applicable

alias of str


The current page number

alias of int


The number of results returned with each page

alias of int


A list of Photo object

alias of List[Photo]


URL for the previous page of results, if applicable

alias of str


The total number of results for the request

alias of int

class Pexels.types.Src(original: str, large: str, large2x: str, medium: str, small: str, portrait: str, landscape: str, tiny: str, **kwargs)#

Bases: PexelsType

landscape: str#

The image cropped to W 1200px X H 627px.

large: str#

The image resized to W 940px X H 650px DPR 1.

large2x: str#

The image resized W 940px X H 650px DPR 2.

medium: str#

The image resized W 940px X H 650px DPR 2.

original: str#

The image without any size changes. It will be the same as the width and height attributes.

portrait: str#

The image cropped to W 800px X H 1200px.

small: str#

The image scaled proportionally so that it’s new height is 130px.

tiny: str#

The image cropped to W 280px X H 200px.

class Pexels.types.User(id: int, name: str, url: str, **kwargs)#

Bases: PexelsType

id: int#

The id of the videographer.

name: str#

The name of the videographer.

url: str#

The URL of the videographer’s Pexels Profile.

class Pexels.types.Video(id: int, width: int, height: int, url: str, image: str, duration: int, user: User, video_files: List[VideoFiles], video_pictures: List[VideoPicture], type: str = 'Video', **kwargs)#

Bases: object

duration: int#

The duration of the video in seconds.

height: int#

The real height of the video in pixels.

id: int#

The id of the video.

image: str#

URL to a screenshot of the video.

type: str#

The type of this media to be shown collections.

url: str#

The pexels URL where the video is located.

user: User#

The videographer who shot the video.

video_files: List[VideoFiles]#

A list of different sized versions of the video.

video_pictures: List[VideoPicture]#

A list of preview pictures of the video.

width: int#

The real width of the video in pixels.

class Pexels.types.VideoFiles(id: int, quality: str, file_type: str, width: int, height: int, link: str, **kwargs)#

Bases: PexelsType

file_type: str#

The video format of the video_file

height: int#

The height of the video_file in pixels.

id: int#

The id of the video_file

A link to where the video_file is hosted.

quality: str#

The video quality of the video_file

width: int#

The width of the video_file in pixels.

class Pexels.types.VideoPicture(id: int, picture: str, nr: int, **kwargs)#

Bases: PexelsType

id: int#

The id of the video_picture

nr: int#
picture: str#

A link to the preview image.

class Pexels.types.VideoResponse(videos: List[Video], url: str, page: int, per_page: int, total_results: int, prev_page: Optional[str] = '', next_page: Optional[str] = '', **kwargs)#

Bases: PexelsType

next_page: str#

URL for the next page of results, if applicable.

page: int#

The current page number.

per_page: int#

The number of results returned with each page.

prev_page: str#

URL for the previous page of results, if applicable.

total_results: int#

The total number of results for the request.

url: str#

The Pexels URL for the current search query.

videos: List[Video]#

A list of Video objects.